The woman LR constable who came to light in the curfew case has come into controversy with Prakash Kumar Kanani, son of Minister Kumar Kanani. Pictures of Sunita Yadav are going viral on social media after the controversy erupted. In which he finds himself breaking several laws. Controversy escalates R. Has made shocking revelations by FB LIVE. The media has been treated rudely yesterday. Then Sunita Yadav came on the Facebook platform and made controversial remarks again. Sunita has made controversial remarks about her resignation and the Nirbhaya scandal, which has raised many questions.
What did you say in Facebook Live ....
On Facebook Live, Sunita Yadav said, "So far I have given verbal information about the resignation to higher officials. I will resign in writing soon." I am being pressured. I'm at gunpoint. The media hides the truth by buying the media by the health minister, but the truth will not be hidden. The media has not been interviewed for breach of discipline. I was misrepresented. I have a lot of identity if I want to get into politics. I have to become an IPS. If I stay alive, I will become an IPS and show people. This is just a trailer. The film is still pending. I will explain everything. People in the media annoyed me. If my FOP friend had not helped me that day, I would have become as fearless as the Nirbhaya scandal in Delhi. Picture is yet to be seen in the trailer. I will explain tomorrow. I will go to the police commissioner's office tomorrow and resign and come back to FB Live.
The woman constable is being commented on after she became a troll. Sunita, who is talking about resignation, is rumored to be lying. The constable is outraged that he was not interviewed by the media, and has been embroiled in controversy with the media. It is also said that Sunita preplanned the video after the controversy. Sunita has not received any threat so far, she could have complained about this, but she has not complained. On the other hand, he had earlier spoken of resigning, but has not yet resigned. A shocking revelation has also come to light that Sunita had preplanned to hit the roof, handed over her phone to her friend and caused a controversy by stopping the vehicle. So he can get applause by making videos.
At the same time, Sunita Yadav talks about the Nirbhaya scandal on Facebook Live, but where Sunita was, there was a home guard and a police force 50 meters away. So it was impossible for something like Nirbhaya to happen to him. Now questions are being raised on Sunita Yadav's statements.
What did you say in Facebook Live ....
On Facebook Live, Sunita Yadav said, "So far I have given verbal information about the resignation to higher officials. I will resign in writing soon." I am being pressured. I'm at gunpoint. The media hides the truth by buying the media by the health minister, but the truth will not be hidden. The media has not been interviewed for breach of discipline. I was misrepresented. I have a lot of identity if I want to get into politics. I have to become an IPS. If I stay alive, I will become an IPS and show people. This is just a trailer. The film is still pending. I will explain everything. People in the media annoyed me. If my FOP friend had not helped me that day, I would have become as fearless as the Nirbhaya scandal in Delhi. Picture is yet to be seen in the trailer. I will explain tomorrow. I will go to the police commissioner's office tomorrow and resign and come back to FB Live.
The woman constable is being commented on after she became a troll. Sunita, who is talking about resignation, is rumored to be lying. The constable is outraged that he was not interviewed by the media, and has been embroiled in controversy with the media. It is also said that Sunita preplanned the video after the controversy. Sunita has not received any threat so far, she could have complained about this, but she has not complained. On the other hand, he had earlier spoken of resigning, but has not yet resigned. A shocking revelation has also come to light that Sunita had preplanned to hit the roof, handed over her phone to her friend and caused a controversy by stopping the vehicle. So he can get applause by making videos.
At the same time, Sunita Yadav talks about the Nirbhaya scandal on Facebook Live, but where Sunita was, there was a home guard and a police force 50 meters away. So it was impossible for something like Nirbhaya to happen to him. Now questions are being raised on Sunita Yadav's statements.