Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has announced the date of the examination after a long deliberation. The system has finally taken a decision after a long struggle over the final year examination issue. The decision will affect more than 60,000 GTU students. GTU is the first university in the state to announce MCQ based online and offline exams. The exam was announced by GTU online on July 30 and offline on August 17.
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Announcing the exam, the authorities said that the exam will be conducted in both online and offline formats as per the guidelines of UGC. The MCQ format will be applied in this exam. However so far only the exam has been announced the subject wise time table students are waiting for.
It may be mentioned here that the students were repeatedly outraged by the GTU due to the state of affairs in the examination issue. There is a demand for GTU to issue systematic guidelines and create time wise timetables. So one party is also supporting the party of mass promotion. Given the condition of Covid 19, there is a demand that the exam should not be taken and mass promotion should be given by the university.
Bharuch: Couple commits suicide by jumping from cable stay bridge, love affair feared
Announcing the exam, the authorities said that the exam will be conducted in both online and offline formats as per the guidelines of UGC. The MCQ format will be applied in this exam. However so far only the exam has been announced the subject wise time table students are waiting for.
It may be mentioned here that the students were repeatedly outraged by the GTU due to the state of affairs in the examination issue. There is a demand for GTU to issue systematic guidelines and create time wise timetables. So one party is also supporting the party of mass promotion. Given the condition of Covid 19, there is a demand that the exam should not be taken and mass promotion should be given by the university.