Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held a virtual meeting (video conferencing) with Google CEO Sundar Pichai. The PM tweeted about it. On the other hand, in the Google for India event, the company raised Rs. There is also talk of an investment of Rs 75,000 crore. Narendra Modi tweeted and wrote that, having a successful talk with Sundar Pichai this morning, we discussed a number of issues including the use of technology to change the lives of farmers, youth and entrepreneurs in India.
Modi-Pichai discussed the new work culture
Modi tweeted that he got information about the work being done by Google in many sectors. In particular, education, learning, digital India, digital payment, including information was found in a number of sectors. Talking to Pichai discussed the new work culture that came to the fore in Corona's time. We discussed the challenges that have arisen in areas such as sports due to the global epidemic. We also talked about the importance of data and cyber security
The door will remain open for foreign companies to invest
"India lays the red carpet for all international companies," Modi said at a recent global event. India is the best place to invest compared to many other countries. He also clarified that the Self-Reliant India Scheme is for the self-reliance of the country, not to stop foreign investors.
Google will invest Rs 75,000 crore
At the Google for India event, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that Google is excited to make a number of announcements for the digitization of India. We will invest àªારતમાં 75,000 crore or 10 10 billion in India over the next 5-7 years. The investment will be through equity investments, partnerships and operational infrastructure.
Modi-Pichai discussed the new work culture
Modi tweeted that he got information about the work being done by Google in many sectors. In particular, education, learning, digital India, digital payment, including information was found in a number of sectors. Talking to Pichai discussed the new work culture that came to the fore in Corona's time. We discussed the challenges that have arisen in areas such as sports due to the global epidemic. We also talked about the importance of data and cyber security
The door will remain open for foreign companies to invest
"India lays the red carpet for all international companies," Modi said at a recent global event. India is the best place to invest compared to many other countries. He also clarified that the Self-Reliant India Scheme is for the self-reliance of the country, not to stop foreign investors.
Google will invest Rs 75,000 crore
At the Google for India event, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that Google is excited to make a number of announcements for the digitization of India. We will invest àªારતમાં 75,000 crore or 10 10 billion in India over the next 5-7 years. The investment will be through equity investments, partnerships and operational infrastructure.