Chief Minister Rupani has now approved the construction of 70-storey buildings in the state. So far, only 22-23 storey buildings have been approved. Then now Chief Minister Rupani has taken a big decision for 5 metros of the state. The Gujarat government has given a modern look to the metros of Gujarat and paved the way to make them equivalent to world class cities. The five metros in the state will now allow the construction of skyscrapers, skyscrapers and iconic structures, such as Singapore-Dubai. According to the existing rules in the state, the maximum number of high-rise buildings of 2-27 storeys can now be replaced by a building structure of more than 70 storey buildings. Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot and Gandhinagar.
The rules approved by the Chief Minister for tall buildings, toll buildings in the state contain some important provisions. This provision of toll building will be applicable to buildings with a height of more than 100 meters. As well as the aspect ratio of the building (minimum width: height) 1: 2 or more will be applied. This provision will be applicable in AUDA / SUDA / VUDA / RUDA in D1 category and in GUDA in areas where the base FSI is currently 1.5 or higher as per CGDCR.
A special technical committee will be formed to inspect such buildings
After application to the authority, it will be recommended for verification and approval by the Special Technical Committee (STC).
DPs of 30 m width or more will be available on TP roads.
Minimum plot size for altitude of 100 to 150 m is 500 sq.m.
Minimum plot size for altitude above 150 m is 500 sq.m.
Maximum FSI 5.4 will be met. In which the base FSI of each zone will be available as free FSI and the rest of the FSI will be available as premium-chargeable FSI. The premium FSI charge of 50% Jantri rate will be considered as Jantri rate of open non-agricultural plot.
Residential / Commercial / Recreation or any of these three will be eligible for mixed use.
Electric charging facility will be mandatory in the parking lot
Wind tunnel tests will be mandatory, and a disaster management plan will have to be prepared
The economic capitals of the state including Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot and Gandhinagar have a significant contribution to the development and GDP. Not only that, due to higher employment opportunities in urban areas and migration from rural areas as well as natural development, the demand for houses increases day by day, so the price of land also goes up a lot. Vertical development is required to maximize the service land of the planned area of the city and to accommodate more people. An important decision has been taken to allow the construction of toll building-skyscrapers in order to reduce the cost of land and make affordable housing affordable to the common man.