Under the Swachh Bharat Mission campaign, the government is constructing free toilets for the poor, for which a grant of Rs 12000 is provided. In such a situation, many people have applied for it. If you have not yet learned about this scheme, then in this post I am going to tell you the entire process of its application. But before that I should tell you that if you have not yet followed us, then definitely follow because I keep posting a lot of similar information daily, which can be very beneficial for you. So let's start without delay.
To fill this form, first you have to go to the portal prepared under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Any person can apply from this portal. If you already have a digital service center, then you do not need to register in it, if you do not have a digital service center, then you have to first register on this portal, only then you will be able to apply. Its portal will look like the image given below.
You have to click on the red circle you see in the image above. After clicking, you will see some such page.
After filling this form, you have to register yourself and then after that you have to log in. After logging in, you will see the toilet form which will look like the image given below.
This is the form of toilet application. To fill this form, it is more important to have a bank passbook and your photo, the rest is general information. Which you have to fill right. After filling this form, you have to click on submit button. After that you will get a receipt. Which you have to show to your village head. If you are eligible, the toilet grant will come in your bank account.
To fill this form, first you have to go to the portal prepared under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Any person can apply from this portal. If you already have a digital service center, then you do not need to register in it, if you do not have a digital service center, then you have to first register on this portal, only then you will be able to apply. Its portal will look like the image given below.
You have to click on the red circle you see in the image above. After clicking, you will see some such page.
After filling this form, you have to register yourself and then after that you have to log in. After logging in, you will see the toilet form which will look like the image given below.
This is the form of toilet application. To fill this form, it is more important to have a bank passbook and your photo, the rest is general information. Which you have to fill right. After filling this form, you have to click on submit button. After that you will get a receipt. Which you have to show to your village head. If you are eligible, the toilet grant will come in your bank account.