Today's all educational news date 15/10/2017

1 minute read
In an effort to reach out to media on a larger canvass a workshop on ‘Educational Opportunities for Journalist’s Children’ was conducted in the city.

Speaking on the occasion, Rahul Bhardwaj, Executive Director, IndianOil, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh State Office, (TAPSO) said, “IndianOil does a number of value added efforts for its stakeholders and customers.:“The huge developments, changes and everyday dynamics in the Oil and Gas sector is being taken forward to the public and people at large mainly through the media platform. The giant strides made in the penetration of LPG usage in hinterland, the transparency in crediting subsidy to bank accounts, the changing market scenario in petrol and diesel retailing are all being educated to the masses through the media channels and dailies. This effort of Workshop On Educational Opportunities for Journalist’s Children is a step towards engaging with media who are our ‘Partners In Progress’ on a larger canvass,” he said.

Sabitha Natraj, General Manager, Corporate Communications, IndianOil, Southern Region said, “With a competitive scenario in every sector, education is pone category that faces immense competition and change. In order to add value to our relationship, this workshop aims to fulfill an unsaid need of media journalists.”

V Balasubramanyam, Deputy General Manager, IndianOil, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh State Office (TAPSO), said, “We are very happy to see a large gathering of media journalists and their children. Very rarely do we get an opportunity to engage with the families of journalists.”

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