Pay Percentage in 7 news in today's

1 minute read
In other words, Central government employees will continue to draw the transport allowance (TPTA) they were getting under the Sixth Pay Commission.

The Seventh Pay Commission had already factored in the rate of Dearness Allowance at 125 per cent assuming the date of implementation to be January 1 next year. The existing transport allowance already meets the criteria and therefore remains unchanged.
The House Rent Allowance (HRA), which forms a sizeable amount of the salary drawn by a government employee, is also expected to remain unchanged--at 30 per cent of basic pay in metros.

The Committee on Allowances under Ashok Lavasa is believed to have suggested that the amount drawn under the Sixth Pay Commission should be left unchanged.
The Seventh Pay Commission had recommended reducing the HRA from 30 per cent to 24 per cent, a suggestion that was widely protested by government employees.
The pay commission also recommended abolishing 53 of the 196 allowances besides subsuming some others.

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